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The TSI code and a call for improved data flowing through the MEP industry

What is a TSI code?

The TSI code is a numeric code assigned to each unique entry within the Trimble Luckins database, of over 1 million product items, and has been the accepted standard identifier of the UK MEP industry for over 30 years.  It is the unique identifier that flows with the product throughout its lifecycle, from the free online search facility at, through APIs to the wholesaler ERP systems and the IT solutions within UK based contractor workflows.

Does the TSI code still have value?

“It sounds obvious, but the most valuable thing about the TSI Code is its uniqueness. Product codes, SKUs etc. may be unique at a manufacturer level, but there is no guarantee that another manufacturing company hasn’t used exactly the same code for a completely different product. In contrast, every item in the Luckins database is assigned a unique code on creation – a code that will never be duplicated or re-used.” explains Kevin Gutteridge, Director at Trimble Luckins.

The practical value of this is that from that moment forward, no matter where you sit in the MEP supply chain, that product will always be exactly identified. From manufacturer to wholesaler to specifier to procurement to installer, everyone will know exactly what it is. This is why the TSI code sits at the heart of the procurement and e-commerce systems of so many of the industry’s leading businesses.

“Furthermore, the simplicity of the code, as a numeric string, means it will never be prone to being entered into a system in different formats, as is often the case with more complicated alphanumeric codes involving spaces, punctuation, etc. We know this from decades of experience in providing TSI Codes for our customer’s stock files!” Gutteridge continues.

Why is a unique identifier important?

The majority of businesses, whether manufacturers, wholesalers or contractors, manage a massive amount of data.  A single manufacturer will have thousands of data elements that relate to its offering, lots of which will be housed in different locations and managed by different teams. From spreadsheets and ERP systems, to product datasheets and marketing websites, constantly changing product information can become a big headache if not streamlined effectively.

Associating a unique identifier to each item, which will stay with the item throughout the procurement workflow and beyond, ensures a thread of information. It provides an easy way to identify and track the item at any point in the supply chain.

Without that thread of information, duplication occurs and information becomes out of date. Should that product information flow on to a digital twin, all construction stakeholders could be held responsible for the incorrect information.

In recent years, the value of the TSI code has grown. The Building Safety Act of October 2023 suggests that a golden thread of information for products used within higher-risk buildings be totally transparent and ever-lasting. The correct product information should be documented and easily accessible for a building’s operator to call on at any time.

How do I get a TSI code?

Ask Trimble Luckins about TSI codes by contacting us today.