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Five reasons why wholesalers need integrated product & pricing information

In today's fast-paced and competitive market, wholesalers need accurate, reliable, and comprehensive product and pricing data to stay ahead.

Offering a wealth of enriched information that integrates seamlessly into existing ERP, trading and e-commerce systems, it is no surprise that Trimble Luckins has been the go-to source for distributors for over 50 years.

Specifically, here are five reasons why wholesalers trust Luckins for their integrated content.
1. Seamless Pricing Integration into ERP Systems

One of the key advantages of using Luckins is the seamless integration of pricing data into ERP systems such as Agathos, Intact and Mace. The data provided by Luckins comes directly from manufacturers, verified by a team of experts who ensure it is accurate, standardised, and ready to be integrated into your system.

For wholesalers, this means access to the most up-to-date pricing information, which can be quickly retrieved when a contractor visits a branch. Instead of manually updating pricing data or worrying about inconsistencies, wholesalers can rely on Luckins to keep their systems current. This not only improves customer service by enabling staff to provide accurate quotes on the spot but also streamlines operations, allowing for quicker turnaround times. By simply applying their discount structure to the latest prices, wholesalers can efficiently generate quotes without the need to manually adjust for price changes.

The team at Luckins also takes on the burden of maintaining and updating this data. With information sourced from over 800 manufacturers, managing this data manually would be a monumental task.

Luckins’ expert team ensures that all data is up-to-date and accurate, freeing your team to focus on other critical business areas.

2. Real-time Pricing for Accurate Quotes

In an industry where pricing is constantly changing, having up-to-date information is crucial. Luckins provides automatic updates to pricing data, ensuring that your system always reflects the latest information in real time. This allows wholesalers to quote accurately and quickly, without the risk of quoting outdated prices.
This capability is particularly important in a fast-moving market where even slight discrepancies in pricing can lead to significant losses or missed opportunities. As one example alone, think of the volatility of the copper market during the COVID 19 pandemic; Imagine the team that you’d need to have dedicated to keeping on top of pricing alongside the ordeals of running your day-to-day business during that time. Outsourcing this to Luckins means wholesalers can rest assured that their pricing is always accurate, allowing them to stay competitive and responsive to market changes.

3. Enriched Product Information for Better Decision-Making

Beyond just pricing, Luckins offers enriched product information that includes images, technical details, and PDFs such as datasheets. This detailed information is invaluable when choosing between similar products, like different types of sockets, as one example.

Having access to comprehensive product details ensures that what is specified by an engineer onsite gets supplied. It helps branch staff interpret vague specifications and make informed decisions when advising customers, with enriched information such as dimensions, finish etc. at their fingertips. This level of detail can be the difference between a successful order and supply-to-site and costly errors, with order queries which take wasted time to solve.

4. Enhanced E-Commerce Capabilities

For wholesalers looking to compete in the online market, Luckins provides the data necessary to power e-commerce sites effectively. In a landscape where traditional trade wholesalers are up against discount retailers and B2C DIY shops, having a robust online presence is crucial.

Luckins' enriched product data helps wholesalers offer a competitive online shopping experience, providing their customers with the detailed information they need to make informed purchasing decisions. This capability not only helps retain existing customers but also attracts new ones who are looking for a reliable and detailed online shopping experience.

5. Contributing to the Golden Thread in Construction

One of the unique selling points of Luckins is its contribution to the "golden thread" in construction. This concept refers to the seamless flow of accurate information throughout the supply chain, ensuring transparency and accountability at every stage.

Luckins helps contractor customers maintain a digital twin, proving exactly what was purchased and installed. By using the TSI code as a unique identifier, Luckins enables the entire supply chain to work together, creating a transparent and fully traceable process from manufacturer to installation and maintenance. This level of traceability is essential for meeting modern construction standards and regulations, making Luckins an invaluable partner for wholesalers.

In conclusion, Luckins offers wholesalers a comprehensive solution for integrating enriched product information and pricing data into their systems. With the knowledge all information is accurate, up to date and reliable, significant time efficiencies are made allowing teams to focus on the business, rather than get held up checking details. Moreover, its APIs which map the data into existing business systems allow seamless workflows and avoid duplication of efforts. From improving customer service to enhancing e-commerce capabilities and ensuring transparency in the supply chain, Luckins provides the tools wholesalers need to stay competitive and efficient in today's market.

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